NASUWT cannot provide casework or legal assistance for an incident or matters related to an incident that occurred at a time when you were not in membership.
Please note that we receive many application forms each day and every effort is made to process your application as quickly as possible. Please make a note of your application number. We look forward to welcoming you into membership of the NASUWT.
Current Teacher Status
  1. Please select the option below that best describes your current teacher status *
  2. To guide you through the correct options in your joining process please select your Region / Country from the list below.
    Region / Country *
  3. Please note that if you are a qualified teacher or have a contract/job description that requires you to teach, lecture or instruct you will be required later in this application to complete an online direct debit instruction. You may wish to ensure that you have your Bank/Building Society details to hand before proceeding further.

    * Indicates these are required fields